Professional Activities

Recent Events
Program Committee Member

2024: CCS, PETS, EuroS&P, Financial Crypto, NESD
2023: Crypto, CCS, Financial Crypto, EuroS&P, PKC
2022: Asiacrypt, WPES
2021: Crypto
2019/2020: CFAIL’19 and ‘20
2016/2017: CSAW’16 and ‘17


ammBoost: State Growth Control for AMMsSlides
  The TLDR Conference - May 2024

smartFHE: Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts from Fully Homomorphic EncryptionSlides
  EuroS&P - Jul 2023

On the Power of Smart Contracts-The Good and The BadSlidesExtended Slides
  Heritage Medical Systems annual meeting - Dec 2022
  Software Center/MDU Workshop on Cybersecurity - Sep 2022

Unclonable Polymers and Their Cryptographic ApplicationsSlidesExtended Slides
  QSig Workshop - Jan 2024
  Intelligent Cooperation Group Seminar, Foresight Institute - Aug 2023
  New York Celebration of Women in Computing (NYCWiC) - Apr 2023
  Monash Software Systems and Cybersecurity Seminars - Mar 2023
  NY Crypto Day - Oct 2022
  UConn CSE Security Seminar - Oct 2022
  Foresight Crypto, Security & AI Workshop - Oct 2022
  CMU CyLab Crypto Seminar - Jul 2022
  Eurocrypt - Jun 2022

Cybersecurity and Society - Blockchain TechnologySlides
  Orientation to Engineering Course OCP, UConn - Nov 2022
  The UConn Explore Engineering (E2) Program - Jun 2022

I See You Blockchain User, or Not! Privacy in the Age of BlockchainsSlides
  USENIX Enigma Conference - Feb 2022

Gage MPC: Bypassing Residual Function Leakage for NIMPCSlidesExtended Slides
  Protocol Labs Research Seminar Series - Feb 2022
  Google Cryptography Talks Series - Jul 2021
  UConn CSE Security Seminar - Jul 2021
  Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) - Jul 2021

Rethinking Service Systems: A Path Towards Secure and Equitable Resource MarketsSlides
  Women in STEM Frontiers in Research Expo (WiSFiRE) - Sep 2022
  Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC), Security/Privacy track - Oct 2020

Micropayments: From Centralized to Blockchain-based Distributed SchemesSlides
  University of Malaga - May 2020

CAPnet: A Defense Against Cache Accounting Attacks on CDNsSlides
  IEEE CNS - Jun 2019

CacheCash: A Cryptocurrency-based Decentralized Content Delivery NetworkSlides
  PhD dissertation defense, Columbia University - May 2019

The Age of Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and SistersSlides
  University of Colorado Colorado Springs - Mar 2018 and Apr 2019
  NYU Tandon School of Engineering - Dec 2017
  Columbia University - Dec 2017

Threat Modeling for Cryptocurrency-based SystemsSlides
  NYU Tandon School of Engineering - Dec 2018

Resource-backed CryptocurrenciesSlides
  Association of Women in Math (AWM) Talk Series, Barnard College - Nov 2018
  Emerging Scholars Program Seminar, Columbia University - Dec 2017

Sensible CryptocurrenciesSlides
  PhD Candidacy Exam Talk, Columbia University - Nov 2017

Cryptocurrency Era
  Fordham University - Jun 2017

  NYU Tandon School of Engineering - Dec 2015

Digital CurrenciesSlides
  Cybersecurity for STEM Teachers program, NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering - Jul 2015